Mindo Hostels Hotels Lodges

Mindo Hostels Hotels Lodges
Live your trip of dreams and experiences of a lifetime.
Trying to find the best Mindo Hostels Hotel Lodges?
Planning to stay in Mindo? Finding the perfect accommodation is difficult. Mindo has some lodging alternatives Mindo Hostels Hotels Lodges from cheap to expensive according to your pocket. But you must decide which accommodation fits your expectations. Toucan Platinum Suites is cheap compared to other lodges with similar characteristics: its comfort, its location, its services and quality. The suites are located inside Mindo village. In a beautiful place within the Ecuadorian Rainforest and one hour and a half from Quito.
The perfect place to relax with the sounds of nature in a green forest that is not found in hotels or hostels in the town. The inn is close to all attractions in Mindo. Taking our economic tours in Mindo from Quito is an alternative for those who enjoy adventure activities and relax at the same time. You will always be accompanied by a guide indicating places of interest to give you good information on the way over Ecuador and Cloud Forest; that unlike taking a public transport.
Mindo Toucan Platinum Suites have a wonderful selection of accommodation in Mindo: single, double and familiar bungalows. The lodge is dedicated to give our guests a more rewarding and unforgettable travel experience. You can check our reviews on Tripadvisor. The best way to enjoy your knowledge is to come and stay in our comfortable lodge. Enjoy your Mindo trip with us in the best Mindo Hostels Hotels Lodges!